National Security Committee Meeting - Developing Update - Global News Network

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National Security Committee Meeting - Developing Update

Islamabad - National Security Committee Meeting - Developing Update:

Prime Minister Imran Khan chaired the National Security Committee(NSC) meeting today, attended by the civil & military leadership to review the situation in order to prevent the spread of novel Coronavirus & take necessary steps:

1-  Pakistan Day Parade to be held on 23rd March has been called off.

2- Borders with Afghanistan & Iran have been closed.

3- All educational institutions, including schools, colleges, universities, and madaris till April 5.

4-  All airports except Lahore, Islamabad, and Karachi will be closed for flights.

5-  The remaining matches of the PSL will be held without spectators across the country 

6- Ban has been imposed on marriage halls and public gatherings across the country.

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