Govt. Confused, What's students future - Global News Network

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Govt. Confused, What's students future

Govt. Confused, What's our future, totally Question mark?????

 Allhamdulilah The protest of students from all over the pakistan held today infront of HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION.
The student represnentatives had a detailed meeting with Executive Director of HEC in office.
*Agendas of meeting*
1- Universities should not take extra funds and fees from students
2- HEC will take legal actions against those universities who are charging extra fees. 
3- HEC should implement Standard Online LMS system for all universities or else online system should be banned! 
4- Students will not bear any loss for their semester, either they should be promoted or HEC should implement some criteria for their exams. 

*Representatives of HEC assured the delegation that all the demands will be fulfilled. 
-A detailed documentation will be presented to HEC by tommorow.
-A petition will also be filed in Supreme Court of Pakistan soon.
-A detailed press conference will be held on saturday(06-06-2020) at 3 pm at National Press Club Islamabad.

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