Expulsion of French Envoy update - Global News Network

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Expulsion of French Envoy update

National Assembly Session - Expulsion of French Envoy - Important Points:

1- PTI lawmaker moved a resolution condemning the publication of blasphemous caricatures by French magazine Charlie Hebdo in September last year. 

2- A debate to be held on the issue of expelling the French ambassador from Pakistan, and to "apprise all European countries, especially France, of the gravity of this matter".

3- Detailed discussions on the matter should be held with all Muslim countries and it should be taken up on international forums.

4-  Matters of international relations and no person, group or party can exert unnecessary illegal pressure in this regard," 

5- Provincial governments to allocate specific sites for protests in all districts so that citizens' daily life was not disrupted.

6- A special committee to consider the resolution regarding the matter which he termed "highly sensitive".

7- The opposition be given an hour to study the draft and suggest any additions so that the resolution could be passed unanimously today and a debate could be started. He said there was no need for a special committee, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi

8- Religious Affairs Minister Pir Noorul Haq Qadri said that this house is the guardian of the sanctity of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Prime Minister Imran Khan has advocated the issue at the international forums.

9- Asad Umar said there is no issue opposition can add points and then a discussion can be held

10- Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Ali Muhammad Khan said the government desired a debate on the issue but the resolution moved by a private member was based on the exact discussions held between the government and the recently proscribed Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP).

11- The Sitting of the National Assembly has been adjourned to meet again on Friday, the 23rd April, 2021 at 1100hrs

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