Landi Kotal- CTD Operation- ISKP Terror Plan Thwarted for Peshawar & Surrounding Districts - Global News Network

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Landi Kotal- CTD Operation- ISKP Terror Plan Thwarted for Peshawar & Surrounding Districts

*Landi Kotal- CTD Operation- ISKP Terror Plan Thwarted for Peshawar & Surrounding Districts*

CTD commandoes during an action conducted a raid in the Sultankhel area of Khyber after a tip-off that members of the Al Qaeda and Daesh are planning to carry out a *major attack in Peshawar and surrounding districts*

During the operation, four terrorists were held and four magnetic IEDs, two suicide jackets, six anti-personnel IEDs, 58 IED receivers, 9 IED detonators, 14kg explosives and other material was recovered during the raid.

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